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Survey Tips to Ring in the New Year

December 30, 2022

Kick off the new year with a fresh start and consider the changes you’d like to make for 2023. A customer experience survey is a quick and easy way to get great feedback and ensure you’re on the right track. There’s no better way than to get feedback straight from the horse’s mouth.

Since there are any number of questions you could ask your customer, it’s important to understand the type of feedback that you’re looking for, prioritize the questions you’ll ask, plan for how you’ll analyze the information you receive and how you’ll share the insights you glean.

Step 1 – Brainstorm your purpose. 

  • Customer experience metrics on a scale of 1-10.
  • Getting feedback from your staff.
  • How can you improve communication or support?
  • Determine employee satisfaction for retention.
  • Gaining insight on potential new classes or services you’d like to start.

Step 2 – Consider what kind of survey questions you will ask.

  • Multiple choice questions with predetermined answers and then choose the best fit.
  • Use a scale rating of 1-10 or 1-5.
  • Write in paragraph form.
  • Know why you are asking the questions and what you hope to get out of them.

Step 3 – Short and Sweet

  • The time to fill out the survey should be five minutes or less.
  • Ask ten questions or fewer.
  • The shorter and easier, the better.

Step 4 – Consider the order in which you ask your questions for maximum results.

  • Your first question should be a general overall rating.
  • Consider a mix of survey question types (from Step 2).
  • Avoid leading questions. You don’t want to sway the feedback.
  • Ask only one question at a time.
  • Avoid complicated questions.

Step 5 – Avoid personal questions.

  • Don’t waste time collecting too much personal information.
  • Collect only what you absolutely need.

Step 6 – Survey Feedback

  • Test your survey by sending it to yourself and some co-workers or friends before you send it to your customers.
  • Ask for specific feedback.
  • Ask them to jot down any questions or thoughts they have while taking the survey.
  • Read the survey questions aloud.
  • Check your survey on mobile platforms as well as on a desktop computer.
  • Time your survey.

Step 7 – Determine how you will distribute your survey.

  • Email.
  • Social media.
  • Other channels.
  • Consider incentivizing customers to take your survey. Perhaps enter them into a drawing to win a prize.

Step 8 – Thank them and inspire action.

  • Thank your customer for participating.
  • Provide a link to leave a review or sign up for a class.
  • Provide a coupon code for a discount at the pro shop.

Step 9 – Analyze your feedback and implement it.

  • Organize your results.
  • Discover pain points and discuss possible solutions.
  • Discover success and discuss how to continue or maintain that success.

Go forth and conquer the new year!


Article by Stacy Rowe |  Connect with Stacy on Facebook.

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