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Digital Payment Disputes: Process and Prevention

In the fast-evolving world of digital payments and transactions, disputes are an inevitable part of the landscape. Managing these disputes efficiently and effectively is crucial for business and

financial institutions. In a recent webinar hosted by American Express®, Lisa Anderson, Director of Customer Value Experience at American Express® joined forces with Greg Hatcher, Head of Payments at iClassPro, and other outstanding guest speakers to share their insights and best practices on helping prevent and manage digital payment disputes:

Key Topics

• How Dispute Processes Work at Different Levels

• Responding to a Dispute

• Merchant Pain Points
• Dispute Misconceptions

• Minimizing the Impact to Merchants on Disputes

• Dispute Resources for Partners

• Impact of Technology Trends

• Disputes in the Era of Integration

• The Role of AI "Artificial Intelligence" in Disputes

In Conclusion

The webinar provided a comprehensive overview of disputes management in the modern

payment landscape. It addressed the challenges faced by merchants and financial institutions

and highlighted the opportunities presented by technological advancements. The insights

shared by the panelists shed light on the evolving nature of disputes and the importance of

proactive measures to help prevent and resolve them effectively. As the digital payments process

continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will likely be the key to navigating the

ever-changing disputes landscape

Watch Webinar Recording
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